Ingeburg Müller

Ingeburg Müller

geb. Weger
* 11.07.1929
† 26.10.2022 in Neuruppin
Erstellt von Märkische Onlinezeitung Redaktion
Angelegt am 29.10.2022
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Jan Hackenberg..geboren Müller

Entzündet am 01.01.2023 um 14:44 Uhr

Liebe Omi, es Sind viele Jahre ins land gegangen, Aber ich hab dich nie vergessen, sorry but can I do it in English bitte. Omi I had so much to tell you, about the live I found and my kid ... your grand grand children Sacha lai Ching, Felix, Charlie James and my little Finn Henry Sulianto Hackenberg. Omi it is hart to live a live away from your roots and with a family who lives fahr away. 
but I made my way and I always wanted you to know, I miss you , oh how I cherish our last meeting with Rene in your garden. And I know you will be proud of me to know that I still have Opas watch in my little box here in Australia, I brought all the way from Potsdam. Omi you used be my rock on the corner, you where far away but always right next to me. I love my memories I have of you and opa in the little garden in Neurupin, and you will love that I sometimes talk to Little mike. I don't know what to say, but I really miss you and your Chrismast cards, the fact that you never forgotten Rene and me makes my heart trumble. Now I live with the stories of my Mutti and Tantchen's past and how see how there keep history alive. 
You are now back again with Opa and I wish you all the best, all the fun and I hope you can you wait a bit longer for me to join, in many many years to come. 
with all my love and broken heart Omi I will always be your  little Jani 😘

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Märkische Onlinezeitung Trauerportal

Entzündet am 29.10.2022 um 09:53 Uhr

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vom 29.10.2022